Wish to get rid of excess weight, not necessarily requiring the expense of calories, grams and measuring the weight of fat, and follow strict diets, and the application of complex recipes.
We do not need statistical studies or questionnaires long to make sure that the majority of people who want to lose weight, welcome to complete it without resorting to complex viruses are difficult to enforce, or another firm is impossible to continue to pursue. For those nutritionists to develop some guidelines and tips characterized by simplicity and ease of implementation, and serves as a starting point for anyone who wants to lose weight and improve his general health, without any complications, and most important of these include the following guidelines:
1 - Avoid following any diet of popular diets: diets popular urges us to follow when tempted by promises the rapid elimination of a large number of excess pounds. But the focus on the rapidly diminishing weight, can lead to unhealthy eating habits, not only result in short-term successes, despite that a majority of these diets lead to rapid loss of weight at first, but it leads to a slowdown in metabolism . The result is that we will be forced to continue to reduce the amount of food that we eat so that we can lose weight. Of course, soon we will feel frustration and deprivation, we leave dieting and get back to eating as usual but, with a slower metabolism we have, we will restore all the weight that we lost, that we have not more so.
Therefore, we should focus on improving public health, and adoption of a healthy diet, balanced and lasting, it would help us to combat obesity and disease in the short and long term.
2 - control what you eat: There are little things of life which we can fully control which constitutes what we put in our mouths from the food and drink one of these rare things. We therefore have to exercise our ability to control this, do not lose control of ourselves in the restaurant, not on the table, family or friends, we do not have to ever deal with all the foods that we find before us.
In the restaurants we must always remember that cooks love because it is saturated fat and intensifies flavors, which opens the appetite of customers and deliver a relish. And restaurants that do not concern our health......
3 - Eat regularly and slowly: it is necessary to pay attention to what happens when you miss a meal, or when you follow a diet short and strict. When to miss a meal slows metabolism in an attempt to conserve energy. And when you lose weight quickly in a few days, your body thinks it is threatened by starvation, lose all its stocks of fat, and each weight lose in the post, is water and muscle tissue. We must not miss any meal, especially the morning meal, and got used to eating healthy snacks between main meals when you are hungry. Eating several times a day, away from you and the pangs of hunger and poverty that force you to overeat. And to ensure uninterrupted power for the body, perhaps the most effective way to maintain the activity of the process of metabolism. The eating slowly, it allows the body telling us that the only and full until we have what we consume do not need to diet.
4 - Eat more fruits and vegetables and whole grains: those who eat healthy unprocessed foods, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains and legumes, with a limited amount of animal protein, fat light, often find that they could address the amount of food they want without to increase their weight. Similarly, individuals who abandon the diet, rich in processed and refined products, they find that they could get greater intake of healthy foods, which of course contain fewer calories, however, succeed in reducing weight. Perhaps the most remarkable example is the Chinese who were in the past, depend on food rice and vegetables and less fat than light meat as a source of protein. We are not talking here about the Chinese dishes that are prepared in restaurants, especially in Western countries, they are often rich in fried foods and sweet. There is no doubt, to revert to the natural products, improve the general health situation, and detract from the waist girth.
We do not need statistical studies or questionnaires long to make sure that the majority of people who want to lose weight, welcome to complete it without resorting to complex viruses are difficult to enforce, or another firm is impossible to continue to pursue. For those nutritionists to develop some guidelines and tips characterized by simplicity and ease of implementation, and serves as a starting point for anyone who wants to lose weight and improve his general health, without any complications, and most important of these include the following guidelines:
1 - Avoid following any diet of popular diets: diets popular urges us to follow when tempted by promises the rapid elimination of a large number of excess pounds. But the focus on the rapidly diminishing weight, can lead to unhealthy eating habits, not only result in short-term successes, despite that a majority of these diets lead to rapid loss of weight at first, but it leads to a slowdown in metabolism . The result is that we will be forced to continue to reduce the amount of food that we eat so that we can lose weight. Of course, soon we will feel frustration and deprivation, we leave dieting and get back to eating as usual but, with a slower metabolism we have, we will restore all the weight that we lost, that we have not more so.
Therefore, we should focus on improving public health, and adoption of a healthy diet, balanced and lasting, it would help us to combat obesity and disease in the short and long term.
2 - control what you eat: There are little things of life which we can fully control which constitutes what we put in our mouths from the food and drink one of these rare things. We therefore have to exercise our ability to control this, do not lose control of ourselves in the restaurant, not on the table, family or friends, we do not have to ever deal with all the foods that we find before us.
In the restaurants we must always remember that cooks love because it is saturated fat and intensifies flavors, which opens the appetite of customers and deliver a relish. And restaurants that do not concern our health......
3 - Eat regularly and slowly: it is necessary to pay attention to what happens when you miss a meal, or when you follow a diet short and strict. When to miss a meal slows metabolism in an attempt to conserve energy. And when you lose weight quickly in a few days, your body thinks it is threatened by starvation, lose all its stocks of fat, and each weight lose in the post, is water and muscle tissue. We must not miss any meal, especially the morning meal, and got used to eating healthy snacks between main meals when you are hungry. Eating several times a day, away from you and the pangs of hunger and poverty that force you to overeat. And to ensure uninterrupted power for the body, perhaps the most effective way to maintain the activity of the process of metabolism. The eating slowly, it allows the body telling us that the only and full until we have what we consume do not need to diet.
4 - Eat more fruits and vegetables and whole grains: those who eat healthy unprocessed foods, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains and legumes, with a limited amount of animal protein, fat light, often find that they could address the amount of food they want without to increase their weight. Similarly, individuals who abandon the diet, rich in processed and refined products, they find that they could get greater intake of healthy foods, which of course contain fewer calories, however, succeed in reducing weight. Perhaps the most remarkable example is the Chinese who were in the past, depend on food rice and vegetables and less fat than light meat as a source of protein. We are not talking here about the Chinese dishes that are prepared in restaurants, especially in Western countries, they are often rich in fried foods and sweet. There is no doubt, to revert to the natural products, improve the general health situation, and detract from the waist girth.

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