Thursday, September 15, 2011
5 Tips Snoring Treatment
5 Sensitive Skin Care Tips

5 Reasons You Can Get pregnant while on Birth Control

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
"A Better You" Your 7 days program to self-improvement

Preparing for pregnancy

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Checklist motion
A checklist of movement may prevent you from forgetting important things, like turning on utilities in your new home. Want to create your own list of things to do, but you can start with the suggestions below.
Checklist - One month before
- make reservations with the moving company.
- Notify friends and family and tell them your new address.
- Submit change of address forms at the post office.
- Get documents for school transfers, if you have kids.
- a garage sale or lighten the load.
one or two weeks before
- Arrange shut-offs of public services and new connections.
- bank accounts to transfer to the new location.
- Back to library books, rented movies, etc.
- Transfer prescriptions to new location.
- house clean and dispose of things that will not be moved.
- for packing and boxes labling.
- Pack an "Essentials" box on arrival, with toiletries, paper plates, etc.
- Putting plans (hotel reservations, get maps, etc..)
Moving Day
- Start early and remember to eat.
- Check each of storage space.
- Turn off lights, lock doors.
- Leave the keys with the new owner or estate agent.
You probably many more items to add to your personal list. Begin to write everything you think when you know you'll be moving. Is that the phone is on when you arrive at your new home? Will you return to the country simply because you forgot a safe that has the family jewels? The best way to avoid such problems is to start early on your checklist.

Your pool could go Sued
If you're not quite sure, and someone is injured in your pool, you invite lawsuits. I know what you think: my friends and family are the only ones to use my pool ... they will not sue me if something happens.
Guess again.
This does not necessarily mean that people like to continue or even want. They may have to. With the high cost of medical expenses today, a family that suffers a serious injury (or - God forbid - a death) probably can not afford not to prosecute. And if a person has been injured in your pool in your garden, guess who is technically in default?
If someone is injured, do not be surprised by a lawsuit: the wait. And do not think you can watch the pool at all times to make sure nothing happens. Accidents happen, no matter how you're constantly trying to prevent them. Risks of accidents are statistically proven to be very high in backyard pools and spas.
This does not mean that you pay the dirt in your pool, plant a flowerbed Nice safe, and after "Keep out of the court" signs everywhere in your garden. You just make sure you are adequately covered when it comes to insurance.
Well, you're sold. Now, how you make sure you're covered?
If you own a pool or spa, you must take out liability insurance very high, at around one million dollars or more.
This can be difficult, because the policies of many homeowners' insurance to limit the maximum exposure of the insurer to $ 100,000. Sometimes you can get this amounted to $ 300,000, but rising beyond, to plan your owner is, will probably be difficult.
That's why you want to watch a master plan. It is a separate liability policy, in addition to coverage of your landlord. It usually selects where the insurance your landlord stops, and you can get coverage of several million dollars.
The cost of this additional coverage is usually minimal in the vicinity of $ 500 per year. This may seem expensive, but given the millions of dollars of coverage it gives you, it's worth the money especially if you entertain and spend a spa or pool.
One last thing to note is that you may have to purchase your insurance at the same place, which include home and automobile. If you have a pool or spa, it is probably worth changing insurers to find one that offers a master plan.